How to install Odoo on Digital Ocean for 5$ per month ?

How to install Odoo on Digital Ocean for 5$ per month ?

You don’t need to spend tones of money to start manage your business wisely. Here is how to deploy for 5$ per month Odoo on Digital Ocean, step by step.

1 – First you need to create a Digital Ocean account

You can create an account using my referral link to get 100$ credit to start using your Google or GitHub account or your email.

You don’t need to spend tones of money to start manage your business wisely. Here is how to deploy for 5$ per month Odoo on Digital Ocean, step by step.

2 – Then a droplet

Once you created your Digital Ocean account, it’s time to create a Droplet and add your ssh key

You can generate you ssh key using ssh-keygen and add it to your droplet. (Don’t pass your private key! The public key!)

3 – SSH to droplet

To ssh to the droplet you need to copy get the droplet’s ip address and go the the terminal (on Linux, use Git bash or PuTTy on Windows) and type:

ssh root@your-droplet-ip-adress

4 – Execute Yenthe Van Ginneken’s installation script to install Odoo

1. Download the script:

Odoo 14

sudo wget


2. Modify the parameters as you wish.

3. Make the script executable

sudo chmod +x

4. Execute the script:

sudo ./

Go to : your-droplet-ip-adress:8069

Other script:

Odoo 15

sudo wget

Odoo 14

sudo wget

Odoo 13

sudo wget

Odoo 12

sudo wget

Odoo 11

sudo wget

Odoo 10

sudo wget

Odoo 9

sudo wget

Odoo 8

sudo wget

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